Thursday, February 12, 2009

Face Palm

Here's the thing: as far as I'm concerned I haven't missed one yet. For just over the last two weeks I have written something each day. In between the bit where I get up and the other bit where I go to sleep I have crafted or cobbled together some words. Look! I'm doing it now. Not all of it's been great but that's not the point; it's about sticking to the plan, hence the title. I don't just make this shit up, you know. (Although I literally am. Look I'm doing it now).

Slight problem. The last bit where I got up, did some stuff and then went to bed involved a transatlantic flight across several time zones. This technically has two effects. Firstly, it makes me sound a lot cooler than I actually am – cycling down Venice Beach, watching AJ from the Backstreet Boys perform his own song at a karaoke night and totally get knocked back by a cute girl half his age. But secondly it means that I got up on Wednesday and went to sleep on Thursday, therefore blowing the plan. To me it's been one day. A long one, though, that's lasted about 30+ hours so far and means I've missed a day and have to set the 'streak counter' back to zero. Arse.

1 comment:

  1. Add a 'longest streak' - it'll make you feel less sad about 'missing' one.
