Is it wrong that I picked an album purely because I like the look of the singer? I know that's sort of the point: sex sells. Especially in music. But when it's obscure or off beat stuff it feels like someone, thing or ideal is being insulted somewhere. Do oh-so-arty indie acts like being noticed because they're pretty? Or is that going to offend them? The latest is Natasha Kahn from Bat For Lashes (pictured) who appeared on TV for all of ten seconds before I torrented the album and resolved to like it simply because I liked her. I was only slightly joking.
The thing is, I do like the album. I'm going to write a review tomorrow, hopefully. I'm just a sucker for kooky girls. Regina Spektor, Alice Glass, Lykke Li, Feist - the list goes on. Musical ability is always the clincher. Although any kind of talent is a +1 crush straight off the bat. Writing, dancing, Olympic rock climbing, anything; although if they say they're an artist I want to see actual art. Four years at university making silk screen prints of Jesus does not count. Throw in a "I'm from the future but I arrived via Oxfam" fashion code and an asymmetrical home hair cut and I'm in.
Not actually in, of course. If I do see someone like that I'm usually too dumbstruck to say anything. And as I get older meeting that type is getting even more unlikely. Especially as that look is harder to pull off past a certain age. The girls obviously, not me. Take the quirky twenty-something thrift store reject, add about ten years and you get mad cat lady in training. So my new project is to find the thirty-something equivalent. Suggestions?
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