Friday, February 20, 2009


I think someone from Crawley is checking my blog out on a Mac. And Ireland. My stat tracker tells me. This is a little disconcerting because I still thinks no one reads this. I didn't even really mean to start blogging, I just accidentally published my first entry and someone noticed. Since then I've sort of bound myself to this one a day thing. Sometimes it's good, like when I write something I'm pleased with. Other times it's awful; posting a waste of words just to hit quota.

The key thing is that I don't think anyone's really paying attention. Obviously, at least three people read this as you can see from the comments, and that's freaky enough. It's not like I have anything amazing to say. An occasional ramble, the odd discussion and some random crap. That's it. So discovering strangers looking in like faces at the window is... unsettling.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, someone from Ireland keeps looking at mine too. I don't know any Irish people. I get about 50 unique hits a day, weirdly.
